Monthly Archives: July 2022

3 Tips For Boosting Your Google Ranking

When people are looking for a product or service they go to the modern day Yellow Pages— also known as Google.  In order to stand out in a sea of different options, it’s important that you know how to appeal to Google search engine ranking. This process is known as search engine optimization.  

If you can manage to get your web page on the top page of results, you can significantly increase your chances of converting clients, and building a solid online presence. What’s more, if you master your SEO ranking, you’ll drive more traffic to your company’s website, and ultimately put more money in your pocket, it’s really that simple. Here are some of the best tips for getting started in SEO.

Get to Know Keywords

The first step is knowing which target keywords that you should choose. You should choose ones that align with your target audience, whether you are looking for people over the age of 60, or people in a certain area, there are all sorts of different criteria that will determine the best keywords to choose from. 

Do your research and get to know the most popular keywords in your industry. Once you do, sprinkle them throughout your page, incorporating them naturally into your content. Just be careful not to add too many keywords as this can actually negatively affect your SEO ranking since search engines see this as keyword stuffing.

Develop a Content Schedule 

It’s important that your website pumps out content regularly. Doing so will drive more people to your website, and lead Google to favor you. Develop a schedule full of content that you think will be valuable, interesting, and entertaining. 

Schedule it so that it goes out gradually as opposed to all at once. Starting a blog on your website is a fantastic way to continue to update your page with fresh content. Statistics show that businesses with a blog on their website drive substantially more traffic each month than those that don’t have one. 

Use Video

Video is becoming increasingly one of the most popular ways to market your business. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses believe that they have to have a full blown movie studio in order to create quality videos. However, statistics show that even something as simple as a video created on your phone can be extremely effective. 

Video is a dynamic form of communication and much more engaging than plain text. As people are scrolling they’re much more likely to stop and watch a video than they are to read a chunk of a paragraph. Not to mention, you can add your video to YouTube which is one of the leading destinations for people to go when they’re looking for information or helpful content.